/*    My love for britney is stronger than your security           */

   Dear people. First of all I am sorry I replaced index.htm.
   My mother took my white hat with the loundry i guess.

   I didn't add this page without a reason. The main reason, is i
   love britney of course, the other reason is that i warned the
   admin about 3 times. They didn't respond to my advise, they
   probably think 18 year old kiddies are just fooling around.
   And i totally dislike being ignored :(

   I think it is bad to ignore security alerts, especially
   when you have senstive customer information stored on your server.

   Note to sysadmins : I will still help you building secure systems
                       if you like.


   I will not reveal my attacking methods to the public, because i am sure
   there are dozens of kiddies who can't handle responsability (like me).

   To britney : You are the best, you probably heard that millions of
                times but i mean it. Love ya!

   To dimitri : This is a more effective way than placing Oops i did it
                again on *microsoft.com. Tip : try to impress girls with
                hax0ring *nix machines ;)

   msg of Dimitri: You still didn't call me: +31622607367

   Greets to  : All my friends from the scene. And ofcourse my IRL mates.


   Sincerely yours,

   Wouter aka grazer@digit-labs.org
   phone : (+31)(0)6 11 087 651

/*                                  EOF                                      */